• By admin
  • February 18, 2024

I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream 1024 683 OBG VIRTUAL OFFICE

It’s been a year since I published my best-selling novel. I sit in my living room with a coffee cup in one hand, and a copy of my book in the other. It’s my face showing on the breakfast news; a recap of my speech at a TEDx event a few months ago.  

I’ve somehow made it to the enchanted realm of celebrity status while still in my green 20s.

An hour later, I receive a phone call from a long-time friend and soon-to-be Hollywood Walk of Fame Honoree, Saitabao Kayiare.

I’m scheduled to appear on his multi-award winning show – The Game Changers – for a live interview at noon. After months of unfruitful planning due to clashing calendars, it is finally about to become a reality.

“Wassup bro?”

“Good, good my G. Tell me.”

“Eazie bro. Are you ready for the interview?”

“Fo sho! We are still doing it at your studio, right?”

“Now…we have a bit of an issue. There’s been a power blackout in Hurlingham since early morning, and I’m not sure what time those K.P.L.C fellas will show up to remove the imaginary monkeys pegged on the lines…”

I approve his sense of humour with a chuckle.

“Unfortunately, our building doesn’t have a backup generator and we’ll need proper lighting for the interview. However, I’m determined to do this today. If we postpone it again, then it might never happen. Can you think of any dope office-ish environment around that we can use to film the interview? Pole sana for the inconvenience.”

“It’s OK bro – these things happen. My crib would have been perfect if you worked for MTV…”

He gets the joke and returns the favour.

“I might know a place. Give me a few minutes to confirm if it’s available.”

“Cheers baba.”

I hang up and jump on WhatsApp Messenger to pull up a past conversation.

A few days ago, while catching up with my friend Amos, I came across an interesting topic. Amos, an adroit entrepreneur, took it upon himself to enlighten me about the next big thing in business – The Virtual Office.

He went on about how he had “struck oil” in the industry after discovering the benefits of a virtual office and went even further to give recommendations. He’d been particularly impressed by a new one a short distance from my apartment. He insisted that I check it out when I got time.

I open the chat; trace the link – obgvirtualoffice.com – and call immediately to confirm availability.

The universe comes to the rescue once again. The place not only happens to be available but the rates are pocket-friendly and it’s equipped with a standby generator and a fast fiber optic link.  I revert back to Saitabao, forward the necessary details and later agree to meet at 1 pm for the interview.

I arrive at the OBG Virtual Office on time. I’m given a warm welcome at the reception by the receptionist. I look around and realize what Amos was talking about – jaw-dropping décor, exquisite layout, air-con, hob-nob kitchenette and meeting room – the place smells of class and serenity.

The receptionist escorts me to the conference room where Saitabao and his team have already set up. As expected from his acclaimed professionalism and seriousness, he arrived half-an-hour early. The room is bright, lively and full of smiles.

The interview begins…

Saitabao: Mandla The Great! It’s good to finally have you on the show man.

Me: I’m delighted to be here.

Saitabao: How does it feel to be the author of an international bestseller?


It’s now been ten minutes since I woke up to utter disbelief from the recollections of a vivid dream. As to whether it’s valid, well that depends on what I do now. It’s a new dawn; another opportunity to chase after my ‘best-selling’ aspiration.

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